How can starting an online business change your life?

For me, it's having the freedom to work when I want and wherever I want.  What would having time and financial freedom mean for your life?

Quitting my 9-5 job to work in my business full-time has changed my life.

That is why I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs to build their online businesses.

I know first hand how confusing it can all feel at the start and I want to help shorten the learning curve for you.

I have been in business for the past decade and have started and run companies and a charity.

In addition to holding two Masters degrees (and currently studying for a third), I have completed courses and qualifications over the last 12 years in Coding, Digital Marketing, and I am Certified in Marketing by Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram.

I started my career in marketing as a Digital Marketing Consultant for SMEs to teach them how to market their businesses online. 


My Story

It all started more than a decade ago with the birth of my twin daughters, Evelyn & Isabella. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to go back to my 9-5 job in banking. Working out the finances for placing the children in full-time childcare would have left me out of pocket. And so my entrepreneurial journey began.


When the twins were still babies, I founded the Jersey Children’s Charity based in Jersey, Channel Islands.

Around the same time, I started a social media consulting business at the time when businesses were just starting to use Facebook as a marketing tool. I helped businesses to start their pages and understand how to use the platform to grow and reach new audiences.

When my third daughter was born, I began my journey to becoming a coach by completing qualifications in Life Coaching, Rapid Transformational Therapy, and Nutrition Coaching.

To understand how to build my own business, I began taking every course I could on how to build an online business, including six months of night school learning how to code and build my own platform for one of my businesses.


Now I am a Meta Certified digital marketing professional, strategist, and business coach teaching others how to build their online businesses from the ground up. I also serve as CEO of an innovation think tank whose mission is to use the technology to solve the world's environmental problems. I am a full-time entrepreneur and have time to spend with my family, go to the gym, and we take the summers off to live in South of France as a family. 


So many of my clients came to me thinking that they had to invest thousands of dollars to start their online businesses or create their online courses. Even if you have no technical or design experience at all, I have you covered.


Core Values 


I believe success means having freedom in time and finances. It is being wealthy enough to live life on your terms and being able to spend time on the things that matter most and with the people who mean the most to you.


I believe that we should never stop learning and challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone. Be relentless in pursuit of your personal development and growth.


The preservation and maintenance of good health are one of my top priorities. You are only given one precious life, and you must have the energy and vitality you need to enjoy everything it has to offer fully.


I feel fortunate to be able to wake up each day and do work which makes a difference in the lives of others. I want to create a wave of positive impact through my work with clients and on environmental projects.

Kristin has a wealth of experience and is very knowledgeable on exactly what you need to know and do when starting up your own business. I particularly liked how Kristin shared her own experiences to bring the topics to life. She was highly supportive in helping me to navigate my way through the content and made the sessions enjoyable. I learnt so much and its been so valuable in setting up my business. Thank you 😊

- Audrey Heath

I attended the 'Creating a Start-Up Business' course in-person earlier this year led by Kristin. It came at exactly the right time as I had my ideas and was ready to go. I'm not from a business background so Kristin's experience at setting up and running her own business was invaluable in helping me identify all the things I needed to do from a practical level, but she also had some great insights in terms of marketing, website design, and communication. I learned a lot and have now been up and running myself for over six months so thank you Kristin!

- Dr Julie Luscombe